Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Review: Angel: Only Human

Angel: Only HumanAngel: Only Human by Scott Lobdell

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I wasn't sure if I should read this book or not, as if follows after the Angel: After the Fall storyline, and I never had a chance to read the second half of that story. However, once it arrived in the mail today, I simply couldn't resist and jumped in almost right away.

This is the story of Gunn and Illyria, after everything is over. They're both at crossroads within their lives and trying to find a role for themselves in this new present. Fred's parents call to tell her that there's been a death in the family, so Gunn and Illyria decide to go to the funeral--both of them looking for connection and escape.

The narrative moves smoothly between flashbacks to Gunn's childhood and Illyria's first incarnation and shows how that past informs who they are now and the choices they make. I'm not sure just how much of the plot of this episode changes them in their day-to-day lives afterward. However, it is a great short story that allows readers to see the ways in which each character is lost within themselves and seeking connection to others.

I loved this book.

And I still miss Fred.

View all my reviews

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